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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “A Pauper Review of Avacyn Restored”.
I like Driver Of The Dead as its a body and a Unearth all in one. I think green really got cards thats going to be used for certain with the current archetypes.
battle hymn should also see play in any deck that is trying to abuse brighstone ritual and wants some redundancy
Neros, I like Driver of the Dead, but the problem is that it is a little too pricy to be competitive, especially since decks which want that type of effect can get it from Unearth (even though it doesn’t have a body) for one fourth of the cost.
Josh, I do like the comparison between Battle Hymn and Brightstone Ritual; however, I don’t know which decks exist at the moment (or will exist anytime soon) that can really make use of 4 Rituals, let alone 4 more copies of it. It could potentially give rise to a mini-Storm combo with Empty the Warrens and copies of Goblin Matron to really make use of the excess mana, which is something that Goblins typically never has to worry about.