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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “ACR Draft — Nix Tix with JustMeBaby”.
Why do you keep saying that Wretched Banquet is bad with Cumber Stone? They seem pretty good together to me. Perhaps you are misreading one of the cards?
I’m assuming that, when you think about it in terms of a global effect, it reduces your men as well.
P1P3 Is fleshbag marauder not an option he always does well for me
@Marauder21 -That is a great question. I don’t understand why I said that as it makes no sense. Regardless I think Cumber Stone is a pretty weak card.You can find rare instances where it can be sided in.
@ShardF P1P3 Fleshbag is an option and I would strongly consider it if the Executioner’s Capsule was not in the pack. However targeted removal is more flexible and the ability to choose a target makes it significantly more powerful than Fleshbag Marauder. Of course we can come up with situations where we would much rather have the Marauder.
I disagree with the shambling remains over absorb vis pick. You’ve got a very controlling build so far, and he can’t block. You only have one red card at this point, and it’s fine as a splash whereas shambling remains wants to come down turn 3. And finally, as you said yourself, there’s lots to splash in reborn and you want the fixing. I think you made this pick because you’d already decided on grixis, and so you later pass the excellent cormorants in favor of the crappy agents.
Nice videos. I also think you held onto grixis for too long when you had some pretty strong signals early in conflux that you should have been esper.
Round 1 – Pretty lucky to win that first round – he had a pretty good matchup vs. you in every respect except for the sphinx.
Round 2 – Yeah – mistapping in game 1 was was pretty rough, but you acknowledged the mistake (at length) and then moved on, which is a strategy that many people are unable to adopt. However – IMHO your opponent not pushing through with the bomber was a big mistake on his part if his deck really has as much reach as you alluded to.
Round 3 – Game 2 – you mistap again, this time when you have given up on the game. Game 3 – ack, it seemed like you were just a smidge away from turning the corner the whole game. I think you mistepped when you led out with the grimblade and did not play the crystalization. With the sphinx in your hand and mana as your primary bottleneck your goal should have been to minimize damage from the start. Now, if your opponent was sand bagging that capsule the whole time then you probably lose anyway, but I still think that was the missed play that put you so squarely behind the 8-ball.
thanks for the comments
all i knew is i wanted to be UB/splashing at that point. At the time I had 1 red removal spell and no white. If you know you are going to play cancel which I should probably assume at that point i do like the absorb vis over the remains. If that is the pick then you can take cormorants pretty easy the following pick. I took the best card in the packs after that.