An Announcement and Reminder: Classic League 2013 Qualifier 2

Though I’ve been away from MTGO Academy for a bit, I wanted to stop by and remind everyone about the second qualifier tournament in my Classic League series, sponsored by MTGO Academy and MTGO Traders and supported by donations from the Classic community.

Entry into the league is free, though donations are always appreciated. You can find specific rules for entry and play in the Classic League section of the Classic Quarter forums. Your deck registration must be complete by 11:59pm US East time on October 19th, via

Classic is a format featuring powerful decks and card interactions, yet still open to innovation. You can see the banned and restricted list on MTGO Academy, and you can check out other successful Classic decks on Gatherling. Also, you can follow the regular podcast about Classic called Yawgmoth’s Soap Opera at PureMTGO.


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