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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Anything But: A Look at Hexproof”.
Replays = Noplays
“Why doesn’t this deck see more play?”
Because it’s not fun to play. At least for me, and I think for a majority of people.
I think the deck is good, but personally, I would never waste my time playing it, because Magic is not worth playing if it isn’t fun. Even if I knew I could 4-0 every Daily Event, I’d have more fun earning money by flipping burgers than by grinding daily events with this deck.
@ Amandevill: are you saying the videos wouldn’t play for you? they seem to be working for me ok
Good stuff as always – thanks for the props. Some minor errors in vids…but that’s to be expected being new to a deck, that said, you played quite well
Like the comment above, usually it’s said over islands and a diminishing life total
It is true, like ‘deluxe red’ – I like to play PROBLEM decks, the less interactive/fun for my opp the better! Mohahahaha (evil laugh lol) Again, this could seriously be about 3 seperate articles…the academy is getting quite a bargain with you!
There…finally found my password…
To answer THE question…I really think the sticker price of Ancestral Mask is a big reason most don’t play it. Unlike more flexible cards…the mask is ONLY good in this deck.
Additionally, the first comment of appearing to be a ‘noob’ holds weight. For the most part, players online obviously have egos, and the perception of this deck as ‘rogue’/silly has been around for years, it’s not going to go away, or change overnight…and I think the stigma attached to being an idiot (in perception) is a powerful deterrent. I’d suggest those two points are the reason it’s not played more often.
Oh no, I got hexed/jinxed! Lost last 3 straight!
Even outside of pauper…it’s catching on!
Hoping to see some more metagame players receive this much focus and discussion in the future. Nice work, JustSin!
I play mono black, and am always happy to see a deck that is so strong against a matchup that is so bad for me (post) do well.
After reading this article (which was excellent) I went and watched some of deluxeicoff’s games in the daily, but sadly it was a bad showing (like he said, he was jynxed somehow). I can’t help wonder though, do you think that there should be some young wolf in the sideboard for edict effects? Even Khalni Garden could help with edict/curfew, but I suppose that it would slow the deck down quite a bit.
Deluxeicoff used to have bond beetles for that Hooligum2…stops wail of nim/electrickery etc.., and if they curfew/edict, you just pitch it.
glaring spotlght
OH yeah right… and infect or storm are any more fun??
@ anonymous Glaring Spotlight not a common = can’t play in pauler, DUH.
In what matchups do you board in the Moment’s Peace and Spore Frog? I think this is a very interesting deck and I agree with your comment about sideboarding being very important.