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Thanks for the linkage to my gobos! Fantastic article. Little sad to see your deck spotlight though, because I always aim to get my decks there. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to get used to having only another 5k words to read.
Haha thanks man, like I said I think it’ll help keep articles more focused and now decks that would have been in spotlight will get a whole article feature instead, something to shoot for!
Just dropping a link here to my old casual-ish Zombiepost deck on the mtg salvation forums:
I don’t like bans, hate them. Be creative with the new sets to offset a lobsided card in all formats. Bans should NEVER happen!! Be creative! Design cards to modify our formats without banning cards. If you make it we should be able to play it, c’mon its been 20 years and and you’re still banning cards????
I’ve always been opposed to bannings too, but here I think they are necessary. Ban Temporal Fissure & Cloudpost ~ if I had a preference it would be Cloudpost but I would be happy if either got the ban hammer. Let Tron come back.
Wizards has said outright that they don’t design for Pauper; they design for limited first, and other constructed formats second. The problem with throwing a card in for Pauper is that it would necessarily be at common, and would therefore have a major impact on the limited format, whereas they can throw some kind of hoser or other balancing card in at rare/mythic to affect standard or modern and have it just be a random trash rare (or bomb) in limited.
Tom has it right, but that’s where I thought there was potential in modern masters like set where they had a few spells move down in rarity
I don’t think the problem is Cloudpost, but the bust mechanic that is Storm. My opinion is: Why hurt all of the other, fair, Post decks because Storm is, yet again, a format breaker. To look at it in a different light, Cloudpost = Fun, Temporal Fissure = Will never be fun…ever. Outside if Fissure the things Post does all have answers. So, really think about it. Fissure needs to go, no arguments for keeping should be valid.
Now it won’t be possible to make the Building Posts series… hehehe