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I am running my grixis version of this using manamorphose and tainted strikes for 1 turn kills basically being a free spell that people don’t see coming. Thoughts
I, on the other hand is pondering which of
a) Shadow rift
b) Distortion strike
c) Artful dodge
Is best. They all have their merits.
The most recent version of my Illusory Tricks deck (illusions aggro) is on There are a handful of posts there talking about the deck in some fashion, but here’s the most exhaustive daily write-up I did.
I’ve run the deck in dailies 4 times, going 3-1 twice.
Thanks for the mention!
I forgot to mention lots of videos on YouTube as well if anyone wants to investigate the aggro illusions deck further. Here’s the daily I think you’re mentioning in the article:
In order shadow rift is first because it allows the draw, which increases the odds of you finding yet another spell you can cast to increase the size of the fiend/clops, second and third are probably a bit more debatable, but I’d think artful dodge gets second because you get to choose when you use it a second time whereas with distortion strike it will be replayed last turn even if you no longer have a creature to use it on
ST.Bearer vs. this is bad imo – as for both your points, as well as ap.blessing still works on fiend/clops.
I’ve won quite a bit with it but my version has no burn, heavy blue base/evasion and crimson wisps from my old days – really adds a surprise value to midgame, and in a pinch, you just turn an opps critter red at the end of turn
Deck tinkerers – Don’t overlook lavadart/gush either
Great article as always – and thanks for the props
perhaps bearer wasn’t the best example, but I even stated why it wasn’t a great answer vs. Eye Candy, was just trying to make a point about how there are plenty of options to hose the deck
@smolensk and @JustSin
I’m running Artful Dodge (with great succes) because i feel the flashbacks benefits the deck more.
Shadow rift is great to draw a card, but I feel is looses some of it’s benefits in the mirror.
I haven’t played with distortion strike yet but I feel it is inferior to both Shadow Rift and Artful Dodge, because the rebound condition can be taken away. SR draws you a card and AD can still be flashbacked.
Just my two cents
I would like to give credits to inventor of deck which dominates meta these days: MonoBlue TemporalFissure post. Inventor: Milan Nižňanský alias “reboorn” on modo; “kukuricak” – streaming nick on twitch. He made Top 16 on GP Bochum, several other national success.
I’m not sure if this is a proof – this is his decklist from january 29th. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find older decklist but the deck was constructed before bans.
I’m just…It’s pity that many people play many different decks and don’t have a clue and are not interested in fact who has invented their deck. This way I would also like to give my best regards to invetor of DelverBlue and Izzet”banned”Storm.
Ok, sorry for spam. I found older list
Excellent! I like the deck, it is fun, but I couldn’t agree more with your text