Anything But: Into the Archives 2

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  1. In game one, match one, you should have led with Abundant Growth on turn four instead of Dream Stalker. This would have allowed you to cast either Wild Growth or Utopia Sprawl that turn as well as the Dream Stalker, and you did in fact draw into a Utopia Sprawl.

    A turn or two later, you then played your fourth land while discussing the likelihood of your opponent’s deck containing Cry of Contrition. Keeping it in hand would protect from having to discard a Momentary Blink had he cast a Cry, and you already had the five mana in play necessary to cast Aura Gnarlid and protect it with Blink.

    A turn or two after that, you hardcast a Mulldrifter instead of evoking and Blinking it. Drawing four instead of two gives you a much better chance of hitting your land drop for the turn, and being able to use the second Blink to protect your Gnarlid (which you apparently didn’t realize could not be blocked by the Imp) from any removal spells on his following turn.

    On his next turn, you discard a Blink to his Rats. Visionary is a 1/1 and a draw, compared to Blink on Mulldrifter being a 2/2 flier and draw two. Blink also saves your near-leathal Gnarlid from removal. Really, being under no pressure, you probably should just be protecting the Gnarlid until he dies, but I figured I’d also point out that keeping and casting Visionary is strictly worse than keeping and casting Blink on Drifter. Discarding any card except Blink is reasonable.

    I don’t mean for this comment to be rude, but I do believe that almost every decision in game one was a mistake, and I figured I’d point out the reasons behind my observations.

  2. I must be missing something. In G1M1 you were worried that the Stinkweed Imp would block the Gnarlid and later in the same game you were talking about only getting 2 damage through after getting rid of the Imp, but none of his creatuers can block it.

  3. Well bored I’m sorry you feel that way, obviously I disagree with (most of) your assessments, but if you’d like me to go into more detail over my choices I’d be glad to provide you with that.

    Anon – ah true enough, I feel I make this mistake a lot and even in my discussion over Hexproof I made that error.. that would have saved me quite a bit of frustration and time had I realized >.< oh well no one's perfect :)

  4. Worth noting that both the watch rites deck and the white weenie deck you spotlighted were designed by jphsnake – he’s got a couple threads going on the mtg salvation forums.

  5. Thanks for the info mesmeric, as I said I have the record somewhere I just would have to sit down and find it

    Also thanks Tom! I like to give credit to deck builders (I’m a big fan of creative minds) whenever I can, but unfortunately don’t always know who the real creator is to give credit… sounds like I may have to go back to mtgsal, the Pauper forum there had died off so I stopped posting there :\