Anything But: Twitter Diagnosis

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  1. very in-depth and analytical post, most esp the top cards used in Pauper.

    Ill post this in our group

  2. I too am very wordy and was heavily restricted in my response to the tweet so I’ll put it here because I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Even if blue is overplayed, who cares? As you eluded to focusing in on the amount of a color is kind of a naive way of looking at a meta, focusing in on archetypes is where the analysis should lie. In Pauper blue enables Delver (Tempo deck), U/R Cloudpost, Trinket Control, MonoU Control (Control decks), Fissure decks, Eye-Candy (Combo), and Azoriouskitty/Reality Acid (Midrange). How many archetypes would white enable, if people weren’t restricted by Pauper’s unforgiving meta? My guess is 2-3, maybe aggro or midrange?

    I get that people want to play other colors besides blue, but people also want to play different archetypes and strategies. The way the color-pie has worked form the dawning of time (1992), blue is the color that allows you to play multiple strategies the best. It really can weasel its way into every archetype besides non-fish/non-tempo aggro decks like stompy. So a metric that says blue is the most played color could also mean the format is healthy and diverse – like how I feel it is now.

  3. This made me laugh: “For the most part it’s a quiet scene and you often start to wonder if you’re talking to yourself…”

    WHOLE reason I made the page, was to not only focus minds on weird brews…of which I’m very fond, but mostly to stop irritating all my ‘Non-Magic’ friends (which is almost everyone!) with posts that sound like some foreign language to them :)

  4. It is pretty amusing that the top 5 lands in the format are 4 basics followed by cloudpost.

  5. I could not agree more haha, I wanted to mention that, but figured it would open a can of worms I didn’t want to jump into :P