Author Archive : BlippyTheSlug
BlippyTheSlug is a casual Magic player who loves the Modern format. On top of covering competitive and casual Modern, he manages several regular Player-Run Events and is a pillar of the MTGO community.
Overdriven! 63

‘Twas brillig and the slithey toves… wait. What? Oh yeah! First I’ll show you some more newish decks. Then we’ll talk a bit about the history of Modern, the upcoming Overdrive! 100 celebration, and engage in an exploration of what Modern Masters means to me. Finally we take a quick look at the current meta.

Overdriven! 61

*singing horribly off key* Don’t know why… there’s no sun up in the sky… stormy weather… Yep. Storm’s back, baby! There’s other new stuff, too. Then we take a quick gander at the Modern meta, and finish off with the usual tidbits and shameless plugs. Bon apetìt!