Author Archive : BlippyTheSlug
BlippyTheSlug is a casual Magic player who loves the Modern format. On top of covering competitive and casual Modern, he manages several regular Player-Run Events and is a pillar of the MTGO community.
Overdriven! 50

Hard to believe that this article series is a year old now. Who’d have thought my drivel would be this popular? Certainly not me! Join me as we take a look back at some of the shenanigans of the past year. Then we visit some new decks, I get my face bloodied, and a brief ramble about GP Toronto. We finish up with the usual shameless plugs and tidbits.

Overdriven! 49

It’s my birthday! I may be older, but I’m certainly not wiser. We start with some new decks, then take a look at some meta madness. (Yes, the meta is still being redacted. But I’m bringing it anyway.) I continue on my Quest for Street Creds. We finish off with the usual shameless plugs and tidbits.

Overdriven! 48

We start with some new decks. Next, I do a classic scene from Cool Hand Luke: “What we’ve got heeya is a failyuh to communicate!” I tackle the new, improved (yeah, right!) Modern meta, with one hand tied behind my back. Afterward, I ramble on a bit about Lyons and tigers and Da Bears, oh my! We finish off with the usual shameless plugs.

Overdriven! 47

Blippy’s Big Adventure! Then we take a look at some new decks, followed immediately by a crash and burn into some meta madness. Later, CerealKillaz dig up a mass grave and re-animate the contents, Dark Wars: A Legacy of Evil. Finally, I ramble a bit about PT Seattle and the state of Modern. [Editor's Note: This article is split into two parts. Be sure to click the link for the second part at the end! -- MTGO Academy staff]