Nate steps away from the gaming tables for a moment to conduct and interview with WotC artist Karl Kopinski. If you’re a fan of the visual aesthetic of the game, we insist you watch this!
Get ready for some spoiler goodness straight from the M2011!!! These cards are sure to have you itching for the new base set and cobbling together forthcoming strategies!
Gather round, children. WoTC event correspondent and Academy writer Nate Price whips out his microscope, wipes down his tongue, and takes a closer look at the flavor of the game.
Brush the dust off your shoulders, sharpen your implements of war, or just make some popcorn. As long as you take a moment to enjoy the second installment of Nate’s epic battle recounted in near cinematic style.
Ever wonder what a game of Magic would feel like were it to be real? Well wonder no more! Nate Price has taken the time to tell a tale perhaps familiar to many of you, in terms of the game we all love and play!
For some, a cube is merely another geometric shape. But for others, it’s the best and only way to draft! Nate Price sheds some light on this alternative format favorite in this Cube walk through article!
Nate Price shares his Rise of the Eldrazi Prerelease experience via live footage from the Wizard’s Keep at Muncie, Indiana! Check this video out if you missed out on the fun!