This week Ryan sees what he can do with Young Pyromancer and a host of instants and sorceries in Standard.
Ryan pilots a deck of his own creation into a Standard DE with the hopes of bringing Supreme Verdict, Terminus, and other powerful cards to bear on the competition.
In celebration of the United States Independence Day, Ryan pilots Matt Costa’s Grand Prix Miami Top-8ing Red-White-Blue Control into a Standard Daily Event. Check out the videos here!
This week Ryan pilots a semi-casual combo deck of his own correction into a Standard DE. Will this be a merely fun pile-of-cards-diversion, or a format-breaking deck?
Ryan pilots a quick RG deck loaded with creatures into the Standard 2-Man queues.
Ryan tries out a 3-color Zombis list in the 2-Man Queues, which features some powerful creatures, including Duskmantle Seer and Blood Scrivener.
The post-Dragon’s Maze Standard environment is now online, and Ryan celebrates by piloting a cool Bant Flash list into a Standard DE.