_ShipIt concludes for the time being his Legacy videos with a recorded DE, featuring Esper Stoneblade.
Michael Hetrick continues his series on important Legacy matchups with Ricky Sidher, this week pitting a UW Miracle Control list against a version of Maverick.
Michael returns to Legacy (featuring guest opponent Ricky Sidher) to showcase the key Maverick vs. Reanimator matchup.
This week Michael tries out something a little different, taking his Legacy Esper Stormblade list against Matt Nass’s RUG Delver list. You can follow this important Legacy matchup, excellently piloted by two respected players, inside.
_ShipIt returns to his Standard RUG Pod list, but with his DE foiled by a server crash, he continues to show off Birthing Pod with his Modern Naya Pod list.
_ShipIt begins this Cube draft with several powerful equipment picks, before solidifying his list with aggressive creatures and removal.
This week Michael takes a break from grinding DEs and takes us through the matchup between Naya Pod and Esper Mid-Range in Standard. Check out his detailed analysis, and follow his decision-making inside (featuring Ricky Sidher).