During small set Prerelease events, unique drafting opportunities are to be had! Chris succumbs to the allure of triple Dragon’s Maze draft after seeing FoundOmega’s enticing draft recap screenshots.
Remember how confidently Chris stood in front of his Cube draft critics? Well, then you should be extra-excited for this Time Spiral Block draft!
Opinions be damned, green’s ramp spells are fabulous in the first version of the MTGO Cube. But as Mr. Kool shows, some are clearly better than others…
Who doesn’t like watching ChrisKool cube? Good decisions, bad decisions, fun decisions, (especially) aggro decisions– You’ll find all these and more in these two (count ‘em! TWO) drafts!
Are blue and green cards paired together the most aesthetically pleasing color combination to gaze upon in Magic? Who cares!? Check out Chris’s UG deck in this MTGO Cube draft.
Cube addiction is a serious issue. Watch Chris sway back and forth between archetypes for a pack or so before settling into his final deck decision. Will it be a stinker or a star?
Chris gets the novel idea to play both paper and digital Avacyn Restored prereleases and then compares the experiences in a completely non-academic fashion.