PT San Juan was kind to more than just a few pros! ChrisKool reaps rewards kudos of the 1st Place Bant Conscription deck that won the PTQ held at the Pro Tour.
The final installment of ChrisKool’s tale. Now with more turbo, nonsensical rambling!
ChrisKool continues his epic, meandering tale of geekdom in intimate detail in the sequel to the origins and experiences of his love for this game. A must read!
ChrisKool highlights the Saga Release Events currently occurring in MTGO land, offers some resources from Magic’s past for any interested players and reveals a few cards that might be worth keeping an eye out for if you’re Saga Drafting!
Kool waxes nostalgic on his fledgling experiences into geekdom!
Today Chris takes us on a hike to the Mountains. Valakut to be precise. Check out his flawless 1st place performance in a Standard tournament with over 100 players.
ChrisKool jumps into a triple Worldwake draft and discusses his card choices and plays. Follow him and see how he did this time.