Find yourself looking for a Pauper deck to play in the midnight hour? Look no further than Counter Rebels as Jason takes Amrou Scouts and Aven Riftwatchers to the 2-Man testing grounds!
It’s a mad dash into the red zone this week with Red Deck Wins in the Pauper 2-Mans! Jason goes Valley Dashing through the snow in a one-dimensional aggro deck, but will it be able to live up to its name?
Jason takes the young 5/6 under his wing and battles in the Pauper 2-Mans! Will he break free of defeat’s Bleak Coven, or fall victim to periods of Duress?
Now that the format’s most effective infinite combo is banned, it’s time to go back to durdling around! Today Jason celebrates by pairing Pulse of Murasa with Mnemonic Wall in the 2-Mans.
Think the Kaladesh commons should be getting more Classic Pauper love? Check out Jason’s crewed up concoction known as Vehicular Manslaughter! The 2-Mans just might be getting steamrolled.
Jason dusts off the tribe responsible for some of Pauper’s most degenerate mana! But will the 2-Mans be too manly for these Forest dwellers?
Jason believes that the cards Ancient Grudge and Gurmag Angler are becoming more and more important these days. Will his BR/g Control deck put these cards to good enough use in the Pauper 2-Mans?