Point Removal
Here we have the first category with some serious options. Red, Black, and White are the clear winners here, as one would expect in the point removal category. There are viable options up and down the casting cost curve with the better ones all at the low end. From this we can tell that the primary way creatures are going to die in this format is either in combat or via point removal. The quality and playability are both very high. This is one reason that threats such as Broodmate Dragon and Bloodbraid Elf are so good in the format. They are nearly always going to generate a 2 for 1 unless your opponent can answer back with their own 2 for 1.
Artifacts and Enchantments
This may certainly not be a comprehensive list of all artifacts and enchantments that may be played, but rather the ones most likely to be played. Also of note: the four removal spells in the form of enchantments listed above (Oblivion Ring, Journey to Nowhere, Pacifism, and Crystallization), which can be answered with artifact and enchantment removal. This particular list is not very long, which means that artifact and enchantment removal is something that is likely not needed in main decks unless it has a dual function like Maelstrom Pulse or everyone’s favorite two drop Qasali Pridemage. Even creatures like Acidic Slime and Mold Shambler can functionally answer the occasional artifact/enchantment problem. One could even rationalize foregoing sideboard answers altogether. But there are factors to take into consideration. Many of Esper’s creatures are artifacts, all of which can be answered with creature removal.
Land Destruction
While this list would indicate that a dedicated Land Destruction strategy is not that entirely viable, there are a few standouts. Acidic Slime and Goblin Ruinblaster are the usual suspects. An honorable Mention goes to Ajani Vengeant which seems to be a nightmare for Control decks if they don’t’ have an immediate answer. Albeit slow, much like Slime, Mold Shambler can knock the greedier decks of their mana.
There is no need to list these as every planeswalker available in the format are playable with the exceptions of Chandra Ablaze and Nissa Revane. Of the commonly played removal available the only ones that can deal with these guys are burn cards, Oblivion Ring, and Maelstrom Pulse. Creature combat is the other way to deal with ‘walkers, which can be difficult if you are facing down a high loyalty one such as Elspeth, Knight-Errant that generates roadblocks. Pithing Needle is an answer every deck can pack out of the side. And yet again, Mold Shambler is a slow but direct solution for ‘walkers.
Needless to say, these look to be some of the most resilient threats in the format, especially if you are able to clear the other side of creatures or have some blockers out to prevent your opponent from attacking into them. These guys are also great sources of card advantage or virtual card advantage, especially in a format low on direct card draw.
Nice article! You really hit all the bold strokes, plat! Bravisimo!
Neat article- I liked your card inventory. Recently I’ve been trying to play a bit of standard singleton myself, and I’ve noticed that the games feel pretty swingy (i.e. one turn you feel like you’re winning the next you’re trying to find the next trump card). It’s also a bit like block constructed- limited card pool, with Jund dominating because of decent discard and cascade. I was wondering if there were any initial thoughts about a deck to combat Jund? I’ve been working on U/W control with alot of sweepers, Wall of Denial and other untargetable or fat creatures like Baneslayer Angel, and those situational counters you mentioned. My thoughts are that though they’re situational, your counters are a bit better because you’re countering their one copy of that card in their deck. A fog like mill deck also comes to mind, but I haven’t really worked that out. Help me out on breaking Jund Menace! http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Digital/MagicOnlineTourn.aspx?x=mtg/digital/magiconline/tourn/809761
Thanks for the feedback.
My intent was originally to show people a way of approaching a new format, but like you when I looked up the recent T8s and saw the Jund dominance I was left wondering what to do to combat such a metagame. One of the strengths of Jund is there premium access to removal, so fat creatures aren’t necessarily a problem. While a great card, I wouldn’t consider Baneslayer an issue for Jund to deal with as they will have at least 4-6 answers for Baneslayer. The problem that I see is that one needs a way to win a war of exhaustion vs Jund. The idea that immediately sprung to my mind was an Esper deck based on recursive threats like Sharuum, the Hedgemon. Baneslayer would likely make an appearance in such a deck, but not as a specific answer to Jund. If one can consistently recur must deal with threats eventually the Jund player will run out of removal. The issue is getting to 6-8 mana to start abusing some of the recursive artifact synergies without losing first.
I haven’t tried such a build myself yet, but like I said it was the first thing that sprung to my mind.
I am taking a gander at Std Sing for my next battery of articles/videos, and I am not going to play Jund! Soooo, any brainstorm would be helpful. Maybe a UWb Esper would be the way to go (Steel Wind should auto win versus Jund)? I like the 5c decks, but I really don’t want to lose games to my own mana.
Sadly, even the four/five drop LD spells seem to give some decks trouble- I was playing Jund in the daily event I joined and lost due to mana screw. Ruinblaster and Acidic Slime being pretty good. As far as Esper, Thopter Foundry found a home at Hawaii so maybe that’ll be good for this format as well?
Dear WoTC,
Pls quit creating one overly dominant deck per STD season. Kinda sucks, yo.
Oh, and before I forget, I started up a thread in our forums. Take a gander and share some. I’m sad, I’m lonely, I eat stories to stay slightly rotund.
Without Sword of the Meek I’m not sure how good Thopter Foundry would be. Unless there is another way to abuse the effect in standard that I am not aware of.
Yeah LD is pretty good in this format, especially against decks that run double colored mana costs across 3+ colors. I tend to try and keep all of my double colors to a single color in a deck and run the other colors as splashes. I made that mistake in the first PE I entered. I ran a Jund deck with double green, red, and black and lost due to mana issues.
LD, still my fav. Pls reprint Plow Under someone!
Thanks for the format introduction and getting my interest piqued. Although I wish I could say that I read this and went off to build some super-techy deck for the premiere event today, I cannot. Straight up copied the decklist here with few changes to sideboard/maindeck configuration and rode the card advantage / removal suite (and some timely luck)to a second place finish.
Thanks again,
Brian (StasisFreak)
Nice job StasisFreak! Just goes to show you not to innovate- Dust_ and I made homebrews and only made Top 4 and Top8, respectively.
The Blue-Red-White deck you played in the finals seemed pretty good; I don’t think I could have beaten it either!
Hey man great job, StasisFreak. I likely would have played Jund too if i entered a recent event, so I don’t blame you for not coming up with some super0techy deck.
I think Mono Red might be better than Jund!