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Please please please get a new mic. The constant echoing and distortions make the video unenjoyable
round three at 4:33 you say I dont know why people play this deck and use sever on cagebreakers instead of winning with higborn ghoul and playing geralf messenger (two in hand)… Also most of the time not attacking with gravecravlers when you have 5+ mana available (round 1) and nothing to play, just leaving them for block???? instead of trying to deal dmg or trade…. your play looks kind of loose….
Yeah bro your microphone is terrible, I gave up after like a few minutes.
Good gosh. Cry about it. The mic problem isn’t that bad. If you don’t like it listen to something else. Also Lingering Souls/Intangible virtue has been banned.
Bye bye Lingering Souls! :-]
@Mamut3D: Missing the kill was idiotic (I thought he had mana up for Gnaw to the Bone). In round 1, I don’t know what specific instance you are talking about, but most of the time I don’t run Gravecrawlers into 1/1s or 2/2s they’ll be happy to trade with if I have no other zombies, because then I can’t recast Gravecrawlers and I need to push damage through somehow.
sorry man- really wanted to watch but that mic was driving me crazy.
Why would he suicide off his gravecrawler when he suspects the player has a burn spell for his only other zombie with no other zombies in hand? And yeah trading a 2/1 for a 1/1 doomed traveler that turns into a 3/3 flier with vigilance seems real smart. The crawlers were played well in my opinion.
Definitely funny that you say guess he doesn’t know how to play against zombies but then you choose not to kill him a turn earlier with highborn ghoul + messenger.
How is the HuntMASTER not a legend…
Also, your voice keeps going in and out.
I really like your content but I’m going to have to chime in with the people above about the mic, it’s like a turd on a christmas tree.
I am just wondering if you are splashing green for the grim backwoods then why goul tree is not part of your creature list. I also think ghoulraiser is bad in this deck. All you really want to get back with ghoulraiser is the messenger and ghoul callers chant would do that more efficiently.
I liked the video and commentary, just the echo from your mic was kind of annoying.
@wyldcat: Because Ghoultree costs around 5 mana on average, and is green, so it will clog up my hand. Grim Backwoods is at least a land that allows me to cast spells – it’s a free splash. As for Chant vs Ghoulraiser: Ghoulraiser is a creature, which is huge in an aggro deck. You can’t just cast card advantage spells like Ghoulcaller’s Chant in your aggro deck if you don’t have enough high-impact creatures to support it. The only high-impact creature is Messenger. Ghoulraiser can be (and often is) played as a 1BB 2/2, which goes a long way to making it better than Chant. It doesn’t sound that great (Grey Ogre is far from impressive), but the body just gives you another option with which to work with.
@Everyone: I ordered a new microphone yesterday, it should arrive in time for the next set of videos.