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what a bad attitude on that guy
Maybe your last opponent just wanted to be nice enough to let you live the dream of ultimating 2 planeswalkers. Not realy any reason not to since it was the last game
M1G1 when he overloads dynocharge, you can still cast Syncopate for 1.
@Andy: I actually did note that when I allowed him to get my planeswalker (no sense in wasting syncopate to save 4 loyalty off a Jace). I kind of ignored it when mentioning that I should’ve played around it anyway, because it’s very easy for him to just be holding a Mountain in hand, in which case I really *am* dead to dynacharge for no reason (as I could only Syncopate for 1).
@Billy: I got back at him the next day. No-sirred the split and crushed him in the finals of another daily. Was still rude.
in the last game you could actually have ult’ed your ral a turn earlyer to let him die and play the one you had in hand. With the 4 extra turns you got you would’ve been able to ult him before your extraturns ended that would have been even more insane (I don’t say it would’ve been the right play though)
I was wondering if you thought there was a place for slaughter games in the deck somewhere. I feel that rtr grixis would be a really good matchup for rtr esper in that sense.
@Avari: That would’ve been really awkward if I had flipped all tails. Ral Zarek is sweet, but rarely can you plan around his ult.
@Alan: Absolutely. Since these videos I’ve been playing a couple Slaughter Games in the board instead of Counterflux and Rakdos’s Return. Sometimes it’s a complete whiff, but since it’s basically the only thing in the format that actually deals with Aetherling, it’s generally worth it.
Though honestly, I think I’m taking them out of my board and trying other things. Slaughter Games is fine, but I hate tapping out for it and then they resolve Jace and still have Nightveil Specters and Precinct Captains to win (which are slightly problematic after board since I lose removal – I’ve taken to boarding in a couple Mizzium Mortars for this matchup).
That said, it’s hard to go wrong in this matchup since you outplaneswalker them pretty handily. Losing to Esper is much harder than I thought it would be.
What do you do about pithing needle? It seems to take away your only win condition
Pithing Needle also stalls out Ætherling
This very similar build just recently took first in a premier event.
And this is pretty much an exact replica that also won a premier event.
Pithing needle sucks. Let me know if you find an answer.
maybe he misclicked…. twice lol
Your r2 opponent is obviously going to be mad when you constantly misplay, and get rewarded for it at every turn.