Building Blocks: Return to Ravnica DE w/ Selesnya

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Lee McLeod
@leemcleo on Twitter
Gard on MTGO

  1. Great videos yet again! I hope you find the time and cards to run this series thru all the guilds in the block. I’m looking forward to seeing you pilot a Golgari deck.

  2. Great videos. Keep them coming. Would also appreciate a video with a Golgari deck.
    Big game in M1G3. Spending money to join a daily and then concede turn 2 because of missing just one land drop after keeping a one-lander seems very smart :D

  3. If you really want to splash blue to win the mirror, Cyclonic Rift is definitive the best card to do it. It stops eot 8/8 followed by populate and wins the game if you get to 7 mana.
    But I have to admit that Sphere is a better topdeck if you get in such a bad situation and don’t have the 7 mana.

  4. Or you can play the Bant version with Jace’s Verdicts Detention spheres, I like that version better then Selesyna.

  5. Golgari Decoy seems way underpowered and only decent in board stalls. Which this deck doesn’t have problems with.

    Sweet videos, although you made some playmistakes throughout. I like Rift in this format, although I don’t know if you even need the blue splash. With stuff like CotC and guildmage, you’re manabase is kinda strapped as it is. An arrest or two doesn’t seem terrible, though.

  6. “You should probably attack first before you play any spells”.

    *Plays armada wurm
    *Attacks opponent with centaur token


  7. Have you considered adding another land. You have a ton to do with your mana between populate and holding up rootborn defense. Also you have 4 true 6-drops and multiple grove’s.

  8. Round 2 Game 2
    Could you have attacked after dropping your first collective blessing and just won?