Captain, My Captain: Ding, Dong, You’re Dead!

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  1. Good god, couldn’t they have dodged the variform inappropriate implications this general brings to mind?

  2. I have just recently watched a movie that covers the story of the Three Kingdoms. I couldn’t stand the English dubbing and switched to Chinese with English subtitles – so much better! Pretty interesting twists. Recognized most characters from their Magic cards (how geeky is that?!).

  3. Nice article, gave me some new ideas for some of my EDH decks.

    Two of my friends used to play Dynasty Warriors all the time. I always told them the name was meant to be “Die, Nasty Warriors” which is what it sounded like to me. And that seemed to be what they spent most of their time doing in that game anyway! :D

  4. This list looks like a lot of fun, the only question I have is why did you choose to put the two pain lands in? It seems like just having 2 additional mountains would be better. Am I missing some interaction that makes them better than a mountain?


  5. I think she’s been watching me too often with my off color dual lands in my GW deck hehe