In this new series Benjamin takes an Intro Pack from Wizards and turns it into an efficient deck for casual Standard play.
Category Archives: Article
Enderfall presents a detailed introduction to one of the most powerful Vintage decks available. If looking to get into Vintage, this may be the deck for you!
Dime a Dozen turns two years old! To celebrate, Jason presents his first written article in months, which covers a few rogue Pauper decks that have shown up online.
RexDart talks about brewing decks with Cavern of Souls in Vintage, and follows up on last episode’s 5-Color Humans deck.
Enderfall examines the state of Vintage on MTGO now that we are about one and a half months into the format. The format is healthy, but what other conclusions can be made?
After taking a week off, Jason is back with Pauper mayhem and improved video resolution! Check out his “Tithe Weenie” list, a new spin on a classic archetype.
This week, RexDart tests his version of the five-color Humans deck in Vintage. Thalia may be one of the most powerful underplayed cards in this metagame, but the unlikely hero this week is… Falkenrath Aristocrat?!
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