What’s going on with Pauper these days? It’s time to discuss the changes that Pauper has undergone, and its future…if it even has one!
Category Archives: Article
Enderfall takes a Stax deck into a Classic DE trying to disprove the notion that non-Affinity Workshop is dead. Was it a smashing success or a disaster waiting to happen?
If you miss the glory days of casting Nacatls in Legacy, RexDart has you covered this week. Legacy Zoo has its best new weapon in years with Spirit of the Labyrinth — but you’ll need a plan to deal with True-Name Nemesis. Read on for strategies, sideboard options, and match play videos!
Jason leaves the nest to battle with Mono-Green Stompy today. Will the Constructed Queue be able to deal with his Nest Invader tech? Watch and find out!
Enderfall takes a look at a couple of cards from Born of the Gods which could have an impact in Classic and eventually Vintage going forward.
RexDart takes a look at some recent and upcoming developments in Legacy and Modern. What did the Pro Tour tell us about Modern? Will GP Richmond change the landscape of eternal Magic? Will upcoming reprints be a shot in the arm for online Legacy?
In an attempt to further explore the control archetype in Classic Pauper, Jason discusses control “finishers” and win conditions. What makes a good finisher, and which ones are underappreciated?
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