With Modern on everyone’s mind this summer, RexDart returns to the format to take a look at a variety of decks built around his favorite new card: Collected Company. And be sure to check out this week’s matchplay videos with a Naya CoCo list!
Category Archives: Article
RexDart dives into the discussion of Legacy’s health as a format, and suggests that a popular spell is long overdue to hit the banned list.
This week, RexDart pilots the UB “Tezzerator” deck through the Legacy queues.
RexDart takes a look at Dragons of Tarkir this week for his eternal format set review.
RexDart takes his revised 5-Color Humans Vintage deck to his first paper Vintage tournament in 18 years, and shows off the updated deck in MTGO matchplay videos.
RexDart recounts his recent trip to Indianapolis for the StarCityGames Legacy Open and a Modern $5K. There’s nothing like the horrors of a large paper Magic tournament to make you truly appreciate MTGO.
Is Delver still among the decks to beat in Vintage? Enderfall set out to find an answer to this question in the most unlikely place: a paper Vintage event!
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