In this edition of From Premade to Awesome, Benjamin brings out the warriors of the Mardu and beats up some Sultai.
Category Archives: Article
The results are in and Delver is performing well in the Vintage metagame on MTGO as well as placing 4 decks in the Top 8 of Vintage Champs. Enderfall explores how to attack the format post-Vintage Champs.
MOCS competitor David Kaufmann examines the recent trends in the Vintage metagame, focusing on the role of Delver, Workshop, and Oath, the last of which could be a solution to the current metagame.
RexDart looks at the recently-spoiled Containment Priest, along with the other new cards from Commander 2014 to see which ones could make a splash in Legacy or Vintage.
Khans of Tarkir has finally arrived online and Benjamin cracks open an Intro Pack to see what wedges look like.
Enderfall looks at some Hate Bears decks centered around the Human tribe to see if the new Vintage metagame makes them relevant again.
After abstaining from Daily Events while the MTGO Pauper bugs were active, Jason takes a look at possible deck choices for a bug-free Pauper format. Which one should he choose?
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