During small set Prerelease events, unique drafting opportunities are to be had! Chris succumbs to the allure of triple Dragon’s Maze draft after seeing FoundOmega’s enticing draft recap screenshots.
Category Archives: Article
If you want to draft as much as possible, but don’t always care which set you’re drafting, which one should you pick? Sebastian does some math and shows you what is currently the optimal set to draft from a financial perspective (independent of prize pack winnings).
This is not a strategy article. This is an article in economics. Specifically, this is an article about Wizards’ recent change in the price of set redemption from $5 to $25. In my opinion, this is the most significant change Wizards has made to the MODO economy in at least 5 years.
Several of MTGO Academy’s front page contributors (ChrisKool, PlanetWalls, enderfall, and ThePolkaMan) got together at Grand Prix Boston-Worcester this last weekend. You can check out their Sealed pools and decklists inside. Since it’s sometimes hard to find Sealed pools online for practice, you can test your deckbuilding skills here.
Chris gets the novel idea to play both paper and digital Avacyn Restored prereleases and then compares the experiences in a completely non-academic fashion.
Coincidentally, Chris recently decided to undertake a Magic Online Cube project just as WotC decided to release their own! Look inside for ideas about how to make and draft your own Magic Online Cube!
This week, _ShipItHolla takes a break from the MTGO grind to introduce a few of his favorite “just for fun” formats: Free Magic, Pauper Cube, and Seven.
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