Is Masques Block the Tangled mess people say it is? Perhaps the hatred is Misdirected? Join enderfall for a glimpse into Masques‘ draft strategy and its ramifications for Classic.
Category Archives: Article
Please enjoy Plejades’ new tutorial, intended to introduce newer players to Magic Online Draft formats.
Zonko spirals back in time a bit, flashing back to an earlier, more civilized age.
Read about Marin’s Mono-Black strategy for the M12 queues inside.
Zonko’s here to play Magic and make puns. And he’s all out of puns.
Zonko relives his sordid youth in a bout of reckless experimentation, without parental supervision!
Chris left the Community Cup a tad early to trek to good-ole Kansas (or was it Missouri?) to compete in one of his new-found favorite formats: Scars Block Limited.
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