As the new Core Set approaches, Zonko takes a look at some of the nifty things the old one offered.
Category Archives: Article
Zonko pushes through pre-finals week with yet another ROE Draft to distract you!
It might be going too far to say Rise of the Eldrazi is the best Draft format since Time Spiral and Ravnica. But then, it might not. In either case, it’s certainly one of my favorites. Let me show you why.
Sometimes there are decks we always want to draft, but the set just won’t support it — there are almost the right cards. This, for me, is the most exciting part of drafting an expanding format. It’s a new chance to try the decks I’ve only dreamed of.
Sometimes drafting, like baking, just doesn’t turn out the way it’s supposed to, but even the ugliest cake can still be delicious!
MTGO’s 2010 Sealed Player of the Year The_Great_Dustini shares his thoughts on SOM-MBS Sealed Deck and offers up his GP Paris pool for analysis just in time to prepare for the Release Sealed Swiss Flights! Welcome Dustin to the MTGO Academy writing cadre!
Plejades looks forward to Mirrodin Besieged and what weapons the Phyrexians are bringing to infect Scars of Mirrodin Draft.
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