There I was, sitting in the park just minding my own business. Suddenly, every hair on my body stood on end, and a crackling sound started filling my ears. The air started shimmering…
Category Archives: Article
In this article, Dustin discusses the increasingly popular Eternal Command deck, with which he recently won a Modern PTQ on MTGO. He provides a detailed explanation behind his card choices, and through an example, he emphasizes the importance of thinking through your plays beginning on Turn 1.
It’s my wife’s birthday, so I’m going to bore you with some love poems. Deal with it. Then we take a look at more new Modern decks, more Modern PTQ results, and more Modern Meta Madness. Off we march…
With Gatecrash on the shelves, Modern is getting a shaking once more! We’ll look at some new decks from both the paper and online worlds, and at a stack of PTQ results. We’ll follow this up with a quick glance at the PTQ meta. Finally, as is my wont, we end with some self-promotion and maybe…
Yeppers, there’s still new decks to be had! And there’s gonna be a boatload more! Woo hoo! Watch as I take the current meta and throw it out the window, baby and all. Hooray for defenestration! I talk a little about Jund’s future, followed up with, of course, the usual shameless plugs and tidbits.
What? Even after all this time, there’re still new decks to be had? Woo hoo! GP Bilbao just happened. The PTQ season is in full swing, and we can take out first detailed looks at what’s happening there. And, of course, the usual shameless plugs and tidbits.
A new year… a new quarter… a new meta… Woo hoo! Let’s start it off right! Lots of new decks, and how the pre-Gatecrash tiers are looking for Modern. PTQs away! Woo hoo! The first PTQ results are in, with new decks there, as well! Things are gonna get crazy.
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