RexDart takes a look at the Vintage results from Gen Con, toasts the success of a Type I legend, and talks about how it feels reaching the “endgame” of Magic.
Category Archives: Article
After he analyzed the Flames of Dragon deck last time, Benjamin is now going to do some games and start modifying.
Enderfall reviews the results of Vintage Daily Events over the last couple of weeks to see how the format has developed. A few decks are seeing heavy play; read to find out which ones!
RexDart continues brewing with Cavern of Souls in Vintage, this time attempting an unusual tribal deck: Blue-White Spirits! Check out the deck tech, along with matchplay videos.
In this new series Benjamin takes an Intro Pack from Wizards and turns it into an efficient deck for casual Standard play.
Enderfall presents a detailed introduction to one of the most powerful Vintage decks available. If looking to get into Vintage, this may be the deck for you!
Dime a Dozen turns two years old! To celebrate, Jason presents his first written article in months, which covers a few rogue Pauper decks that have shown up online.
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