Join enderfall as he takes a look at the Avacyn Restored cards not named Temporal Mastery in his new set review!
Category Archives: Classic
“All I Need is a Miracle, All I Need is…” Time Walk? With access to unrestricted Brainstorm and Jace, is the new miracle a Time Walk or a Time Tease? Enderfall weighs in on the controversial new card.
Creatures are an integral part of Classic these days, but don’t mistake that for an underpowered format! Join enderfall as he examines the state of Classic and the creatures that define the metagame.
What are the best sideboard cards in Classic? Enderfall lays out the best cards for every sideboard application.
As voted on by the readers, here is your Landstill primer. Come see how to scratch your “Draw-Go” itch with this old-school-style control deck!
Join enderfall for a journey through the past, present, and future of Oath of Druids in Classic!
How is it that an almost-vanilla 1/1 creature is tearing up multiple formats, especially Classic?
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