Zimbardo builds a budget 100 Card Singleton deck that can pack a big punch and takes it for a ride in the Casual room.
Category Archives: Misc. Constructed
This week Russell takes a look at the winding up of Extended season and the appearance of Legacy on MTGO, and what impact these two events will have on card prices. Read on to find out what you should dump early and what you should pick up preemptively to save yourself some tickets!
Travis, aged to a ripe 32 on this very beloved day, shares a golden oldie of his revamped, retouched, and tuned to the current meta.
Anyone remember Travis’ Reanimator deck of yore? Well, if not, here’s the updated build, chock full of brutal shenanigans for the entire family.
Robin parallels the recent Pro Tour with his own 100CS performance and afterthoughts.
Travis discusses his 100 Card Singleton deck he used to win a recent Premier Event. Check out a highly competitive deck that wrecks havoc and is prepared to battle the mono red menace!
Jeph is concluding on his journey with his Zendikar Block decks and shows a few more games before we embark into a new world with Worldwake.
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