RexDart dives back into the Legacy queues this week with a quirky Abzan Stax deck: Sylvan Plug.
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Welcome back to Premade to Awesome! Two weeks ago we fleshed out the Mardu Raiders deck and I promised you to bring it to a Standard constructed event. This week we’re digging into Temur Avalanche instead.
“I just want to go out and not feel like I’m playing a Legacy Cube with a flimsy pack of sleeves.” – Gary McCord
Though Travis has been absent for some time, it’s never a bad idea to reflect on the vivacious spirit he brought to Commander.
“My Legacy Cube is an experiment in adrenaline pumping and design.” – Steven Holl
A new Vintage Combo deck featuring Show and Tell and Omniscience has been making the rounds on MTGO. Does the deck have the chops to stay around?
Ryan needs practice for the upcoming PTQQs, and you can watch his findings here!
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