“I guess I don’t take my drafting too seriously.” – Salman Khan
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ThankTheBear concludes the article Let’s Play with a confrontation with Garruk, Friend of Mammals.
“Limited is something very individual, very personal, and in their own unique way, I believe everyone is Limited.” – Salman Khan
The results are in and Delver is performing well in the Vintage metagame on MTGO as well as placing 4 decks in the Top 8 of Vintage Champs. Enderfall explores how to attack the format post-Vintage Champs.
Ryan played in a MOCS Prelim with Jeskai Combo, come see if he went off or just fizzled.
“The drafting has to be crisp. Your hard work should show, but effortlessly.” – Salman Khan
MOCS competitor David Kaufmann examines the recent trends in the Vintage metagame, focusing on the role of Delver, Workshop, and Oath, the last of which could be a solution to the current metagame.
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