_ShipIt begins this week with sharing the modifications he made to last week’s IBC Jund list, and then he moves on to show off his innovative RG Aggro-Ramp deck in a DE.
Category Archives: Video
The metagame has finally stabilized enough for a specialized control deck to slip in and crush the field. Could there be such a control deck inside this article? Definitely!
Join _ShipIt as he makes a foray into Innistrad Block Constructed with a RBg list.
Brainsss. Token brainsss.
It’s no big secret that BW Tokens was the go-to archetype once Dark Ascension hit Block Constructed. Watch Lee run it through a Daily to see how it performs!
With Innistrad-only Block Constructed soon becoming obsolete, Lee provides a modular control list that attacks from two different angles. Lee runs the list through a Daily to determine how it performs against the field.
With Sorin, Lord of Innistrad coming in Dark Ascension, BW Tokens is looking to be the deck to beat in Block Constructed. But how strong is the Innistrad base that Sorin has to work with? Lee runs it through a Daily to find out.
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