Ryan tries out a Mono-Black Aggro brew that went 4-0 in a DE. Will he be able to pull off similarly awesome results?
Category Archives: Video
It’s time to take Pauper Affinity to war in another Daily Event! Will it be monstrous, or will the metal get melted?
Ryan builds Bant Super Super Friends in Standard. The power of friendship and two different Ajanis will wreak havoc.
Jason enters a Standard Pauper PRE with Gurmag Angler and friends! How friendly will the niche format be to him?
Ryan takes a risk on a fun-looking Blue-Green Morph deck in Standard and pilots it through a DE. Will the deck impress you, or will it perform merely as expected? Find out by watching the videos!
This week, RexDart pilots the UB “Tezzerator” deck through the Legacy queues.
With his audio-video desync problem fixed, Ryan jumps into Standard matches with Atarka Red.