In this installment of Building Blocks, Lee pilots a scavenge mechanic-driven Golgari deck through a RTR Block DE.
Category Archives: Video
Ryan Cribbs pilots an updated version of GW Blink in a Standard Daily Event.
It’s another week in casual Pauper as we take a look at “enters the battlefield” effects, featuring several videos.
Due to popular demand, I take a break from Limited this episode to bring you some matches with a new Jund build courtesy of Willy Edel. This variant of the popular Modern deck plays the split card Boom/Bust to delay some of the fast combo decks of the format. Thanks to cascade, it is…
Affinity is not a word that many Magic players associate with fun. Today Jason hopes to change that by looking at the Affinity deck in Pauper, and taking it into a Daily Event!
Ryan breaks out a sweet GW Blink list and takes on the Standard 2-Man queues.
Just how good is Mono-Blue Cloudpost in Pauper? Jason conducts a bit of (compulsive) research to find the answer! Come check out his deck tech and matches vs. Pauper spell-slingers.
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