Chris and A.J. draft triple GTC, pilot a fairly consistent deck through three matches, talk about delicately illustrating a man’s hand, evolve some duders, maybe play vs. Paul Rietzl, nibble some thoughts, and play violent games with the lords of House Harkonnen.
Category Archives: Video
Gatecrash drafts are online! Check out Marshall’s inaugural LR GTC draft here!
The guys jump into a prerelease sealed event. So many multicolour bombs… guess they’d better run them all!
Three years ago, at Pro Tour San Diego, the limited format was Zendikar-Worldwake booster draft. In a blisteringly fast format populated by Steppe Lynx, Plated Geopedes, and Welkin Terns, I went a different route. Check out this episode of Simon Says in which I try to recreate the Walking Atlas strategy which carried me to victory!
Is romance in the air, or will bad draws prevent this tale of forbidden Ravnican love from hitting the table? LRR presents another Storytime draft!
Since Gatecrash hasn’t yet been released online, making RTR a lame-duck format, Marshall takes a spin at the M13 8-4 draft queue.
With a new set on the horizon, we are entering the final stages of Return to Ravnica limited. Despite countless drafts and a seemingly simplifying guild structure, I find new challenges and lessons in each draft. On top of that, I believe that these learning experiences are going to present an edge when it…
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