With Graham away, James brings in Limited Resources‘ Marshall Sutcliffe and forces him to favor comedy over playability in this M13 Draft. In some hands this could fail horribly.
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Marshall tries something different with this M13 Draft– He’s going in with a plan! And that plan is to try and look for a control deck. After sweet 1st and 2nd picks, how will it fair?
This week’s Limited Resources draft features a surprise appearance by Kenji (aka NumotTheNummy). Be sure to check out each link on the page, regardless of the result of this M13 draft.
Countermagic has been a cornerstone of constructed Magic since the early days, but it also has its applications in Limited. For this episode I prepared a short clip of a previously recorded draft which taught me the potential of cards like Essence Scatter and Negate in M13. The effects of this learning experience are visible throughout the draft and gameplay videos of this episode of Simon Says.
When they don’t open anything especially goofy, James suggests he and Graham should just take the “best” card, regardless of how well it fits their deck. We hope you enjoy watching the clock run down!
Marshall jumps into a Magic 2013 8-4 queue and finds himself with a mainboard list featuring Redirect and Trading Post.
Marshall drafts M13 and aims for RW Aggro with some powerful creatures (featuring Slumbering Dragon).
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