Let’s Play Magic Online: 3 Failed IPA Drafts

This week the mulligan, careless clicking, and poor play bugs bite when Chris and A.J. attempt to take on one of their old favorites (but is it still one of their favorites?): Invasion Block Limited! Spoilers intentional this week: THREE failed drafts for you to watch, and A.J. even mentions another failed draft that he tried to record, during the first round of which, due to a bug, he timed out a few seconds away from taking his second game!

Simon Says #20: Looking Ahead

In his 20th episode, Simon is back with another draft, trying (with moderate success) to solve the complex board states encountered in Avacyn Restored Limited. Excited for Magic 2013, he also looks at exalted, one of its returning mechanics. What looks like a simple and straightforward mechanic is most likely going to have a big impact on your Limited summer!