Marshall drafts a deck that ends up, in his words, “…pretty suspect.” How will his self-mill strategy turn out? Will he complete “Operation Bad Deck” with satisfying results?
Category Archives: Video
When you are lost in the woods, you can’t tell where to go because you don’t know where you are. The same applies to drafting, where your decision-making is guided by your feeling of position. Magic offers its five colors to guide you, but only very rarely will you have a definite idea of where your deck is heading. In order not to get lost, you need to understand, accept, and learn to cope with this uncertainty.
Graham and James bring in some backup so that each pack of their draft can be drafted by a different person — with no knowledge of what the other drafters have chosen. It’s sure to be madness!
Marshall returns to the DII draft format and constructs a consistent BW aggressive deck dense with removal. Does BW have what it takes to win a draft?
We all learn from our mistakes. Learning how to draft, however, is such a daunting task because the process itself offers very little immediate feedback by which to assess the quality of our decisions. Consequently, the quality of our drafting depends heavily on the mental framework we rely on to guide us through a draft. In this episode, Simon Goertzen showcases some of the depth of this framework when discussing Dark Ascension‘s powerful four-card cycle of monster lords.
Bouncing back from last episode’s failure, Graham and James follow through with their “mono-hat aggro” deck. Only the most badass of hats need apply.
It’s time to get hungry on this week’s episode of Limited Resources Draft! Marshall begins with a set of powerful common picks and drafts a good aggressive deck.
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