Hey bro, do you like weird draft formats? Well, check out this 3xDark Ascension draft, in which PlanetWalls (i) believes he’s drafted a mediocre deck, (ii) almost loses a bunch of games, (iii) makes a correct play but thinks it’s an error and keeps yapping about it, and (iv) tries out a sweet mind game against an opponent that actually (read: maybe) works.
Category Archives: Video
In his second DII draft recording for the Academy, Marshall starts off with six on-color picks. How will his deck turn out? Find out inside.
Simon Goertzen is back with his trademark Limited strategy series, now featuring Dark Ascension! While there is much to discover in the first weeks of a new format, this time we are already familiar with two thirds of the cards. In this episode, Simon explains how this affects his decision-making and what you should keep in mind during pack one. And then it’s time to draft!
DDD drafting is all the rage these days. Check out Chris’s brief assessment of the commons from the expansion, and watch the draft unfold.
Stop by to watch Marshall’s first recorded DII Draft on the Academy! BOOM SHAKA-LAKA!
Chris, his grandma, the ghost of Darth Vader, and other ambient noises are posed with an interesting question during this DII draft: What would you do with infinite Kindercatches (or is it worth forcing blue-green self-mill)?
Check out PlanetWalls’ DKA Prerelease Sealed pool inside: four Swiss rounds of sweet, sweet Dark (Ascension) Chocolaty goodness with a mediocre deck built from an awful pool! And be sure to listen to Planet’s rambling thoughts about his bomb (?) rare at the beginning of Round 4 (and no, it sure isn’t Elbrus!).
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