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You could also replace the allies with elite vangaurd and silver knight. That would give you the reliable power and fast beat while giving you some crits with pro red. Also more cannonists wouldnt be a bad idea. Great video though! I love seeing people get into legacy and showing that you don’t always need the top of the line to actually play. I myself started off low, but found ways to win to eventually get everything I needed. Keep up the work Ranth!
Ya, more cannonist is probably my #1 suggestion.
The main reason is I only had one in the deck is because I couldn’t find anymore when I originally made the deck.
The reason I haven’t added more since is because the number of true combo decks in casual isn’t very high, But ya definitely could use at least one more for casual and 3 more if in even a semi competitive environment.
Good stuff Ranth.
My guess is he was running Energy Field, hence the Wheel of Sun and Moon on himself.
One bit of constructive criticism: Popping that expanse when you did was totally unnecessary. Saving it pop with Volcanic Fallout on the stack would have saved the nacatl. I’m sure you realized it, but it’s always good to point out your own misplays in the video itself.
Ya i had thought about that too and truthfully i got caught up in the moment rather then tried to play around the Fallout. Thankfully that mistake didn’t take me out of the game.
“My guess is he was running Energy Field, hence the Wheel of Sun and Moon on himself.”
Maybe, it looked to me like he just thought that Wheel of Sun and Moon was somehow gaining him card advantage off of Gifts and that “draw 3, discard 4″ spell he kept playing. I mean, that isn’t a terrible interaction – he just didn’t seem to be using it to do anything particularly powerful. Then again, I’m not that familiar with the relative power level of casual classic… though this video makes it look lower than casual 100cs, which shouldn’t be the case.
You’d be suprized Ronin how often my 60card singleton classic deck that i used in our V-day video wins classic 2hg games nearly on it’s own.
Ppl just fear the format this video was shown to let people know that as long as you have a focused deck idea you can play and enjoy the format rather then fear it.
What do you think of Samurai of the Pale Curtain over the Blademaster?
If you mean to combat Dredge it really depends on their build style. If all they’re trying to do is gets tons of tokens along side Zealot it’ll prevent that, and it’ll even prevent some abuse from ichorid. However if they recur something such as Akroma or Iona you’re still going to be in a world of hurt.
Sorry i didnt explain the comment well enough. The reason being is because Samurai only exiles permanents that were once in play. Thus any cards they mill/dredge into their deck are not affected. also keep in mind that you can sac PrideMage to blow up their bridges as well.
Hey I copied this very deck and have been testing it out because it seems so cool. I am a new player but I keep losing most games.
Only cards I am missing are 2 free blades and 2 loam lions which I placed with Savannah Lions. Sometimes I have land issues which is strange. Also I noticed if I don’t win within 10 rounds its really hard to win after that.
Like the video – hope you do more!
This deck is primarily ment to be played in casual not the ques. The land issues is pretty stange to hear about when 9 of the 20 lands are there to address exactly that.
But yes if you don’t win by tun 6-7 then you’re more likely then not fighting a huge uphill battle.
I have to ask what kind of decks have u been playing and losing against?
Have you been aggressively using mulligans to make sure you have the right mana or enough creatures?
Freeblades being replaced by the Savannah lions shouldn’t be an issue and losing 2 loam lions to Savannah type i wouldn’t think would compromise the overall quality of the deck but i can certainly imagine times when the extra 2 toughness would make a world of difference.
I have been in casual and I have been up against some mean decks. Also in fairness these are 1 round matches. Haven’t done the best 2 out of 3 games even though I have your sideboard too. Maybe If I do the best of 3 I can change up the deck and be victorious. Also, I have been giving each opponent a run for their money. And I am still new so I know I am making poor choices sometimes.
Lost to a dredge deck – in one round he brought out several 9/9′s. If we went to best of 3 maybe I could of changed it up.
Died to a pestilence deck. It was an epic match. Had maybe 8 cards in my library left by the end.
Lost to a prismatic 250 card deck that had 2 spiritmongers out by turn 5. I had 2 blades, wolf, and pridemage. I let him through but eventually had to block. Had to block them or I would be toast. I used everything I had. No creature removal drawn.
Lost to a blue black had Tidespout Tyrant out early – which I removed. He cast several Living Death Sorceries that killed all my creatures. He used buried alive. Then he used Borgan Hellkite and I was dead turn 8 or 9.
Next looks like a soldier artifact deck. First card he played was Auriok Steelshape with Skullclamp enchant. I got that off the board and he brought out 2 Boros Swiftblades. At this point I have 27 life he has 7 so I attack and lose a couple creatures to keep pressure. Then out comes Jitte then Banshee’s Blade artifact. Which changes the battle and I end up losing. No more arty removal or creature removal drawn. I may have played to aggresively in this one.
Next opponent had him down to 8 life by turn 4-5 and still I lose. He used rout to clean the table and then slowly heal himself then eventually win. He was white/green. He had Akroma and Selesnya Evangel.
Last was using Sensei’s Divining Top – Forest/Plains and Island/Plains Lands with 2 Noble Hierarch. I started off badly after a mulligan and took a risk thinking I could draw the land I needed. He used Tarmogoyf then Progenitus to clean me up.
I rewatch the replays and trying to learn. I still love this deck and I think it is an affordable way for me to learn the game.
Okay for the Dredge Match up you only have your side which lets be honest, Dredge is hardly a casual deck and most likely belongs in Tourney practice.
Pestilence – not sure EXACTLY what u did or how the game went but i’m going to assume here that you loaded the board with creatures and the pestilence blew you out then turn and then it was a rough battle from there on out.
The only suggestion i can say is that over time you’ll learn to get a feel for when players might or most likely have sweeper effects so you’ll learn to hold a creature or two in hand for exactly thoes type of cases. Infact i usually (not in this video and paid for it dearly)count how many turns with my current creatures my opponent has left and if dropping more creatures wont change that if they can manage to kill or block one of my creatures i keep the extra creature in hand. Sometimes that bites me in the butt however it is usually the right play.
For the game vs jitte the only real answers the deck has to that is the pridemages and creature removal to prevent the jitte from getting counters on it but usually it’ll be an insane uphill battle for you.
the G/W deck and rout…ya this deck really hates sweeper effects.
The last deck sounds like a it was a well built deck with alot of money cards if not tourney viable deck so i really can’t say u take any shame in losing to it as this is a budget deck and not ment to win those types type of matches on a regular basis.
Thanks for the reply. I want to use this deck to build on and make improvements and slowly build other decks. I know there are times that I overplay my position or wait to long to cast that silence, etc. I really like the speed of this deck and the flexibility and utility. Some of those decks I went up against have to fight hard and atleast pull out all the stops to win most of the time.
Okay the biggest suggestion I can give you for improving this deck would be Switching condemn to Path to exile. And Using the rav dual land (forest/plains) Temple Garden before their prices go up from a new format i’m hearing rumors about shows up.
However if u wanted to play some extended with this deck you could change Sword to plowshares to Path to exile and change the dust to dust to return to dust or disenchant.
Also another possible change for the deck if u find alot that people keep killing you with sweeper effect that cost 4 or more mana would be to add 2 or 3 Gaddock Teeg to the deck most likely replacing freeeblades.
Now i’ll give you the flip side of what im suggesting. The lands cost 5-6 tix each so aren’t exactly cheap but you’ll play them in ANY deck that uses these colors and if my guess is right you’ll be glad you got them now rather then later.
Path to Exile is at about 3.5 tix each, So pretty costly for removal however its possibally the best removal card in standard right now beyond pulse. You COULD wait 6 months for it to rotate out of standard for it to be cheaper however every format that this card touches its played in so i wouldnt expect a huge drop in price probally a tic MAAAYBE two.
And Teeg is just about 1.5-2 tix each, he’s not really commonly played and more of a casual card but to me personally he’s one of my fav critters of all time just because he hoses thoes people who want to do nothing but play big mana spells all day.( you should hear the mass outcries in the multiplayer room when you drop a teeg)
oops forgot to log in
lol thats was me