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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Common Denominator: GW Reanimageddon”.
adding black as a commander color lets you play Debtor’s Knell … hey .. it’s mono white … still on theme … right?
Cleansing Meditation is sick with Enchanted Evening
My main issue is your enablers. 6 graveyard outlets? You have a few ways to tutor for them, but most of them are card disadvantage – and provided your outlets are controlled, the deck doesn’t really do anything.
Akroma’s Vengeance is mostly better than hallowed burial.
I also think that a base BG deck with a possible splash for geddons is just better than this GW build – better tutors, better reanimation spells, better enablers – but if you know for certain you are paired with a black recursion deck I suppose you could stick to this.
@CSeraph: The hole idea is to do it without black reanimation. But nice little insider tip, good to know black is good at reanimating ._.
“Akroma’s Vengeance is mostly better than hallowed burial.”
You realize this is EDH right?
eXXa is correct the whole point of this deck was to do it with as small a footprint as possible on other colors playable cards.
The CCCup is a unified singleton EDH format thus 8 players share a singleton pool.
When I made this deck the entire idea was to make a viable recursion/control theme without black at all (and do things that people don’t expect from your colors).
The current Player run event CHAOS that is ran every sunday has different build requirements every week and this deck has either won or placed top two several times.
What i present here to everyone is a rough idea that can be VERY easily tweaked to your liking/playstyle and I hope that you enjoy the deck as much as I have. However with that said a deck that abuses ‘geddon effects isnt for everyone.
is an example of a game when i got a subpar draw and had to fight tooth and nail and a lucky top draw stole the game from me
I play 100 card, not commander, so if removing commanders permanently is important enough to justify hallowed burial I will defer to the commander community’s judgement.
My point about black was really that it has better support cards and is a broadly better colour outside of straight control or aggro than white, but if you feel like trolling, exxa, don’t let me stop you.
I do get the small footprint concept – really interesting design space to work in. Making the deck viable at all requires running many of the cards core to white control and green anything, though, so I’m not sure you’ve actually shrunk the design footprint as much as you think. Are you really going to tell your green teammates they can’t run birds, witness, hierarch, or genesis? Your white teammates need to be Naya or bant aggro, and can’t run swords or path?
Designing a whole set of decks together makes more sense to me than trying to design a small footprint deck in the abstract, but again, I’m not part of this process so I can’t estimate how difficult that would be.
I’m not saying this list is terrible – put together enough powerful cards in a coherent way and you can do awesome things, particularly in a card pool this deep. I do think it is sub-optimal at accomplishing what it sets out to accomplish be that either a) being the best possible reanimation deck, or b) having the smallest shared footprint with other decks, while still being individually very strong. That’s a pretty different kind of critique.
“The current Player run event CHAOS that is ran every sunday has different build requirements every week and this deck has either won or placed top two several times.”
This is what I oringinally made the deck for when the color requirements were green and white only.
And yes EDH as a format is designed for allow people to constantly abuse their commanders abilites so to bury it in someones deck is a huge change in their game plan most of the time.
And as for the mana critters, and swords or path ya the deck can do fine without said cards, infact i’ve won plenty of games without seeing any of said cards once. However with that said sorry peeps but yes i would be stealing Witness, Survival, and Genesis but lets be honest a focused green deck can do without them anyhow.
And the decks main goal is mass control though its Mass LD effects when other decks are just starting to get to their high mana threshold to actually start doing anything. Thus you keep them down and punish them for over extending their resources.
Once again the list presented here is very rough and ment to be so that people can make the deck their own. In the case of the CCCup people should they choose to use this deck as a starting point they can add or take away as needed to comply with the unified deck rules and or strengthen this deck.
Infact I’ve revised my version several times on whim and it’s currently bant right now. Tomarrow it might be 4 color.
Also CSeraph while im sure you’re an accomplished 100cs player and you have the right ideas here on things that might improve the deck i can assure you of two things
1) Commander is a multiplayer format while 100cs is 1v1
The differences from that alone are staggering.
To give a small idea in 100cs u get 20 life and EDH you get 40.
2) In EDH you might be completely ignored for several turns where in 100cs your opponent only has you to worry about.
So the format is ALOT slower and people tend to play higher curved decks and people typically try to play high mana game altering effects.
I hope this wall of text i’ve built helps those people who might not play EDH get a better idea of the format and maybe a little more as to the why of some things.
I won this weekend’s PE so I do something right sometimes ;).
I do get that the format metas are quite different – I played a fair bit of multiplayer magic before EDH existed – but I’m still uncomfortable with a deck that has so few enablers for its combo once people recognize which cards matter.
Good luck in any case :).
I call this deck, “the testicular annihilator.” Ugh, the stinky end of a ‘Geddon isn’t a fun place to be.