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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Common Denominator: “Worldwake Musings””.
I don’t know about anyone else, but for me the audio is terrible. The content sounds like it might be great, but the sound not only has lots of white noise, the voice also becomes very difficult to understand as the sound cracks and fades. Any chance this one could get remastered? Sounds like a broken microphone to me…
I just watched the video and while there is some background noise, the voice is far from difficult to hear. Sounds like a broken speaker to me…
Hello there!
For me the voice is also not hard to understand but that really might depend on individual audio settings. We will look into it. Anyone else has problems with the audio?
I also just Checked the first 2 mins. The only thing I noticed is a hum that I always get when i crank my volume up. So i’m guessing that maybe casper had some fun with your speakers bro?
Anyway back on track. Here’s the link for those who cannot watch the video as I’ve heard some people just have issues loading videos from the site. I hope it helps! And for those who can watch the video I hope you enjoy and leave a comment or two of what u think about the cards and my assessments.
Link to all cards discussed in the video:
No problems here with the audio.
with the wind zendikon, you have to play the expanse first. If you go island, expanse, zendikon on expanse, the expanse will have summoning sickness. (obviously if you have island and zendikon in hand you can hold back on expanse, and if you don’t you can just crack it)
The expanse comment wasn’t ment for to use it an an attacker but rather to reuse the expanse. Just one of the many many applications this card has.
No I know this, but summoning sickness effects Tap abilities as well, and in his situation the expanse had just come into play, ergo, making it a 2/2 flying creature stops it from using any tap abilities.
Like tap, sac: search your library for a basic land card and put it into play tapped.
It’s like how a mutavault/factory that just came into play can’t tap for mana if you activate it.
A gotcha fair point.
Does walking atlas help pauper landfall enough to make it playable? It plays well enough with skyfisher that is worth testing… perhaps a little too janky though.
You seem a little high on the claws, I haven’t seen many creature enchantments making the rounds in pauper.
Mire’s toll seems quite strong in pauper MBC decks, especially vs. the mirror (dumping corrupt) and storm. Both of which see “a bit” of play.
For standard Pauper Naya landfall sees plenty of play, and infact i’d call it a top deck however, I can’t really say that the deck has need for mana ramping or that the “bounce trick” is reliable enough for Atlas to see pauper play. I could however picture it in a non pauper Zendikar block deck with said tricks.
It is more of the threat factor that intrigues me. Landfall certainly doesn’t need ramp. Can you ever block a geopede/lynx or even use removal on it when one tap potentially gives your whole team +2/+2?
As I said, probably too janky… but intriguing.
One thing that came to mind with the zendikon was that indestructable artifact land. Would still have to worry about exile/toughness reduction and sac effects though.
Thanks for making that video. I enjoyed watching it.
The cards I thought that were underrated were Explore and Pilgrim’s Eye.
Explore has excellent synergy with a Kodoma’s Thunder type deck that relies on drawing and laying lands consistently. Also, between Quicksand, the Bog, and the Depths, additional lands have added returns of providing spell-like effects. This cards is most definitely not for every deck, but I can think of two or three competitive decks that explore presents with new interactions hat were not previously available in pauper.
Pilgrim’s Eye I see as a potentially powerful standard and an even more powerful block card. The Eye is one of the only decent mana fixers outside of green in Zen block. It enables non green to benefit from mana the consistentcy that green decks running civic wayfinders have. The 1/1 flier is just an added bonus as a chump blocker or a guy that can end up swinging for 4-5 damage over the course of a game. It is underwhelming, but I think the eye will be amongst the most played cards in pauper Zen Block Constructed.
Oh one more:
Mysteries of the Deep.
Control has no decent instant speed card draw in standard or block. The potential to draw 2-3 cards at instant speed is significant for any control deck running counters. This card will see play in blue based control decks in standard and block..
Mysteries will certainly see play in standard due to the lack of draw spell however im my opinion that doesn’t take away the fact that it’s a insanely over priced card.
As for eye i’ll admit i wasn’t overly high on the card but yes the fact it allows manafixing outside of green is huge and most likely will see play from that factor much play however is still up in the air.
I’ll admit i haven’t had much personal experience in piloting a thunder deck so wasn’t able to comment much on that front however you’re right the card may very well be an auto include for that style of deck.
You’re absolutely right. I agree with you that Eye and Mysteries are bad.
Explore is the one card I am really pumped for, for my standard GRb deck which running Resounding Thunder. It was basically tailor made for that deck. I think it is a well designed card with a good power level.