Common Practice: Going Green in Pauper

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  1. I’m glad that you covered this deck, since it doesn’t get much attention usually. I agree with your criticism of land destruction, and liked that you took time out to address its effectiveness. I’m curious about how you built the mana base—what made you decided to run 22 land? How about the three Thickets and single Quicksand? Thanks!

  2. Very good once again. I agree Sprout Swarm can be an insane card especially in a deck with plenty of mana and creatures on the field.

  3. I feel like you missed a few pretty reasonable cards.

    Tinder Wall. An early defensive play that can turn into a ritual, and even enable a red splash with a little help.

    Siege Wurm is really easy to cast off wall of roots, and does a lot of work as a 5/5.

    Jungle Weaver cycles away when you don’t want him, and is pretty solid against fliers. I’ve found this card to be particularly insane vs white weenie.

    I’ve also tried Krosan Tusker in this deck, although I haven’t been blown away by his performance.

  4. This decks finest hour might be right now, given that Storm is gone and Cloudpost is rampant. The only question is how you survive the Stompy onslaught