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good article; i allready tried a mist raven/ghostly flicker deck some time ago and it had potential, so perhaps mist raven could be added to the achaeomancerdeck ?
Hi knx — Thanks for reading! I’m not sure about Mist Raven, since we’ve already got a 2/2 flier with Flicker benefits in Mulldrifter. My concern would be having too many 4 cmc permanents between Archaeomancer, Mist Raven and Serrated Arrows. How did Raven perform in your Ghostly Flicker deck?
Well i got the deck here or on the mtg-site (don’t remember) and I only played like 5 matches with it (cause I enjoy drafting more
) but I succeeded in locking down 3 of those matches with the raven-flicker-wall combo. I would pick the raven over the arrows, but maybe that’s because i never really played with the arrows. Must say the ravencombo feels weak against counterspells, hexproof, burn…
Great article dime! Glad to see you on this site. I’ve looked over the whites from M13 and I’m curious to see if Show of Valor begins to appear in some WW decks. It would help those hawks/skyhunters/cathars take out some 4/4′s in those classic Affinity decks, and do so as early as turn 3. Keep the articles coming, and I’ll see you on MTGO.
Thanks for the article. I’d be interested in seeing some videos based on the archeology class deck. I guess I just like being able to reuse come into play effects for free.
Good article, out of the three lists I’d find the archaemancer based deck to be the least interesting. In general I’d really like to see you focus on rogue decks.
After looking through the set commons specifically. I’m pretty sure you gave at least passing mention to all of the cards exciting for pauper. (so good job on this ‘set overview’.) Great article and I’d love to see more from you in the future.
Thanks to all of you for the comments!
civic — I’m glad you enjoyed the article, though I’d be very surprised if Show of Valor made any appearances.
Dan — I’d be happy to do some videos with Archaeology Class, but let’s see what other people think about the idea.
tedhole — Thanks for the input. I’d like to incorporate all kinds of decks, so I’m not opposed to going rogue at times.
Undersol — Hope you enjoy the future content as well!
Nice article. Pauper is a format I have not moved into yet, but any format where a WW deck is viable, I’m interested in learning more. What would the sideboard for the ww deck look like? There are so many commons to choose from and I don’t know a lot of the legal sets for pauper or what other decks are out there?
Always nice to see new writers on the seen. Do you plan on posting video’s on how your pauper decks hold up in the daily’s?
War Falcon is the real deal.
Mad — Good to see you’re interested in Pauper! WW has great (probably some of the best) sideboard options around. I would start by clicking the “DeckTech” tab here at MTGOAcademy and browsing through some of the decklists from Pauper Daily Events. There are multiple decks around for each of the main archetypes (Aggro, Combo, Control), and rogue decks appear quite often.
I will definitely have some videos on the way, including Daily Events to test out my decks. Please stay tuned for those!
I didn’t realize it was you, Dime, until I checked your YouTube channel! I am so glad you got to write an article(s?) here and I am looking forward to your next one.
On topic, I already tested Archaeology Class (substituting Archaeomancer with Mnemonic Wall, obviously) quite a few times and I must say that is it very potent. Ghostly Flicker is definitely a beast spell because of it’s sheer power to stall games indefinitely until you can get mana to Capsize lock. Since there are three of them, you can use it defensively even before your combo is set up and the possibilities are infinite. Oracle for card, Prism for card, Mull for 2x card, Glimmer for health, Arrows for counter reset. Simply fantastic.
Very informative article! I normally play paper magic so I haven’t tried pauper, but it seems like a great choice for mtgo. I am interested to see how viable the archaeology deck is because it looks fun to play.
I’m hoping Ghostly Flicker stays a secret enough long enough for me to get a lot of M13 out of it. It still isn’t showing up in the dailies.
I prefer Mnemonic Wall to Archaeomancer, though. It dies to much much less instant-speed removal, and is a more solid body to sit around until you get your cards.
…and if you’re playing that other stuff, consider Cloud of Faeries for infinite mana. And as long as you’re infinite-casting Ghostly Flicker, you can just kill them with storm instead of Rolling Thunder or Capsize. It dodges removal/discard startlingly well.
Govnovalj90 — I really like the versatility of Flicker as well. Maybe we can exchange ideas on how to make the deck better!
Jon — Pauper is becoming very popular on MTGO, and worth trying out. I think the deck is pretty fun to play because if an opponent underestimates you, you can really make them pay.
BuddhaBob74 — Wall definitely has an edge in terms of higher toughness and less vulnerability. I am a little hesistant to play Cloud of Faeries or a Storm finisher, because my current Flicker targets seem robust enough even without a Flicker around.
Welcome aboard the MTGOAcademy team.
Great article! Archeomancer is the card which I’m really looking forward to from M13 (that and the payout structure on MTGO not being awful again). However, I don’t think that Archeomancer really should replace Mnemonic Wall and I am actually inclined to run both for the huge amount of redundancy. More importantly, being able to Flicker two Archomancers/Walls can easily lead to a shut out, since you can Eternal Witness every turn and keep returning answers to your hand.
Also, since this essentially turns your graveyard into a giant toolbox, it seems like Forbidden Alchemy, Teachings, and a bunch of relevant 1-ofs would be pretty good.
Michael — Thank you, and thanks for checking out the article! Your ideas for Archaeomancer could certainly be right, only time and testing will tell I suppose.
videos would be great. always love to see pauper vids and this was a great read!
Josh — Videos in the near future should not be a problem at all! I’m glad that you enjoyed the article.