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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Dime a Dozen #121: White Weenie— One Last Time”.
Hi Jason! Actually I didn’t know Academy content was coming to an end. Where can I read about that ?
Hello! I’m not sure they’ve made any kind of public announcement yet. Not to my knowledge, anyway. I wanted to let people know in advance that Dime a Dozen would be ending, so I may actually have provided the first notification there is.
Jason, sad to see this come to an end. Have you been picked up by another site?
Erk – Thanks for saying that. I currently also write/record for – Any site recommendations?
Awesome, I’ll have to check them out too!
Thanks for all the great pauper content and hope u continue making video at another venue
Brick — I appreciate that! Thanks for tuning in.
Thank you for your many years of superb pauper content. Your innovative brews, wit, and attention to player responses have made your column a pleasure each and every time.
I hope to read your content on another site soon; should you decide to move in this direction, I hope they will allow you to post something here to that effect. Have you considered MTGGoldfish, or some of the major stores that produce content (e.g., ChannelFireball, TCG Player, StarCityGames. etc)?
Should you need one last prompt, perhaps a few notes on what would allow Pauper to grow beyond MTGO and become a format played more often in paper?
Best of luck with your future endeavors.
Jack – You are far too kind, though I’m very glad you’ve found the series enjoyable!
My plan currently is to continue writing and recording for (please check that content out!), and most likely start back up with – When the time is right, I’ll consider trying to work with some of the bigger sites again (I believe my content for SCG was some of my absolute best work!).
I’ll consider your prompt, though I’m not sure that I have the answers. If I think of something I’ll be sure to cover it soon.
Thanks for your support and comment!