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I have mixed feelings about Accumulated Knowledge – sometimes it is a bomb, and sometimes it doesn’t quite do what you want it to. Is there a reason that you are running it instead of another Gush (or two) and some more creatures? This could possibly allow you to get more unanswered attacks in and allow you to draw cards off of your ninja’s more reliably.
As always, great article! I honestly don’t have a lot of experience with accumulated knowledge… Maybe it is stronger than I think? Would like to hear your thoughts.
I also think that boomerang is going to become a pretty big player in delver blue because it is so effective against rav bounce lands and enchanted lands – could also be a good tempo play early against post.
Round 2, around 17 minutes; you could have cast spire golem, then countered his counter, then if he countered again snap your spellstutter sprite and cast it to counter his counter.
Howdy I play A lot of Delver I usually run 15 land and have lost to flood more often then screw. How ever I have found gush to be a spell that is generally not good enough.
what I prefer is a single of Oona’s blessing first time you cast it it cycles but longer the game goes the better it is as any land over your 6th is just a dead draw. Generally 4 land is sitting pretty.
Oh and about weatherseed faeries… Yes they just eat goblin decks and izzet post can’t do anything about them until they resolve arrows.
Hooligurn2 – I don’t have much more to say about Accumulated Knowledge than I already have. It’s good if you draw more than one, and it makes for a nice EOT play when you’re leaving up mana. I haven’t tried Boomerang, but it could be useful as a catch-all. Thanks for the comment!
Tom the Scud – I will review that game to see what you’re talking about. I appreciate the suggestion.
Malum – You mean Oona’s Grace, right? I feel like Weatherseed Faeries will just eat an Arrow counter, Condescend, Capsize or Mulldrifter fairly often
The sideboard seems iffy after the 6th, but here’s my take:
2 Curfew (Auras/Infect)
3 Weatherseed Faeries (Goblins/Post/Affinity)
3 Hydroblast (Goblins/Burn)
3 Annul (Auras/Affinity/WW)
4 Spreading Seas (Post)
Spreading Seas might seem odd, but you’ll be surprised how much it screws up decks like Tron in Modern.
Yeah meant oona’s grace
The keep thing to remember against post is control and having a creature that is immune to a fair chunk of their removal is still good plus like polish said it is also good against affinity
Polish Tamales – I’m a fan of Spreading Seas, but sadly I think it loses value with the banning of Empty the Warrens and Grapeshot Storm.
Malum – Okay, that makes sense.
Jason – I actually noticed another time or two that you didn’t seem to be aware of the snap-and-recast-spellstutter possibility; first time I had someone do that to me I was all “holy crap that’s unfair!” It’s one of the broken things that the Fae deck gets to do.
Tom the Scud – I’ve only done that trick once or twice, but I’ll try not to overlook potential opportunities in the future. Thanks for pointing it out.
So, no love in the comments for the Cowboy Bebop reference?
Apparently not, Spike ; )
Love for the CB references fo sho. I think 16 land is suicidal, even though it seemed you were flooded every game there. MODO shuffler is fickle like a female…
*Or maybe it’s fickle like Radical Edward’s attention span…
Gnarlesbury – Thanks for the awesome comment! Honestly 16 lands doesn’t seem too bad here (never thought I’d be saying something like that). I guess time will tell…
Yeah, maybe you’re right. I guess you really only have to get to 2 land and the draw should get you there. 1 and no land starting hands are my main reasoning I suppose. Radical Edward is an excellent nickname for everyone’s favorite shuffler. Anyway, thanks for the vids, keep ‘em coming!
Gnarlesbury – Hey, my pleasure. Please continue to check out my content and let me know what you think!