Dime a Dozen #54: The Common Cruise Begins

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  1. Is the likelihood of a new set contributing usable cards to the Pauper format as likely as it is for Modern or even the larger, “older” ones? I would think the fact that Treasure Cruise is being picked along with the best commons of all time means it’s probably, as you said, able to be broken.

    And sideboarding a Plains in a Grixis deck seems like something an insane genius would do.

  2. ThankTheBear – I doubt that the likelihood is quite at the level of Modern, but commons are definitely getting a boost these days, notably in the first set of a new block.

    Electrickery from RTR completely eclipsed the previously utilized Seismic Shudder and Rain of Embers. Gray Merchant from Theros is explosive and often game-changing, probably the most high-impact black creature since Crypt Rats.

    Now with Khans we have dual lands that are strictly better than the (then unprecedented) Guildgates from two years ago, not to mention the fact that they were printed at uncommon in 2009 (the Zendikar Refuges).

    Thanks for the comment!